Excitement & Thank yous

It’s like half an hour past my bedtime, but I’m just so excited about my blog page! Even my dog is asleep. But me and my mom are awake so I guess it’s okay right? 😉

I would like to thank the people that have like my blogs and poems, also my follower. So Thanks!

I realize that I sound a bit desperate, but I’m so excited and stoked. So big shout out to those awesome people!

I would also like to thank my mother for letting me hog her computer to do all these and getting me started on this. Also for being patient with me when I couldn’t make up my mind! 🙈 If you want to heck out her website she’s The Safek. She’s also awesome, but you already knew that! 😉 So thank you, and no I am not done typing random things that come to mind. Don’t worry I will write stories on this, when I have enough patience to type down written words.

Bye and thank you!



Other things may change us, but we start and end with family – Unknown