
I’m sorry for everything I’ve done

I’m sorry for what the world is

I’m sorry I couldn’t be better

I’m sorry for once

I regret losing opportunities

I regret losing myself

I regret being cruel

I regret losing you

I wish things could be different

I wish I could be better

I wish you hadn’t run away

I wish we could still be here

We used to be in so much love

We used to have a second chance

But now that love is over again

Never to show it’s face again

I wish I could find better words

But all that there’s left to say


I’m sorry



As some of you might know last week there was a shooting at a shul in Pittsburg. 11 people were killed and some are still in critical condition. The oldest of the people killed was a 97 year old holocaust survivor. Which according to Google they were just 25 years old then. To survive hitler (he was a jerk, I would use a stronger more mean word but I’m not allowed to cuss. A story is a different thing.) and then die because of a freaking anti-semitic (doesn’t deserve to be capitalized.) is unimaginable. The youngest was 52, I think. It’s just terrible.  At my shul on Shabbos there were cops patrolling the neighborhood and outside. It’s wonderful that there are people who care. But then there are people who don’t.

For instance my mother and I went into a bookstore, and when we ere checking out this lady kept harassing us to buy a membership cad thingy. My mother kept telling her no. But then she brought up the holidays. Finally my mother told her we were jewish. She said this:

“Oh. I’m so sorry about Pittsburg.” Thanks for reminding us… 😡

Mother: “Thank you. It’s been a hard week.” Pro Mom!

Cashier: “Oh, for the Christians too!”

It’s not like I have anything against Christians or anything, my BTCFF (Best Traffic Cone Friend Forever) is one, and I know that doesn’t I know everything about Christianity, I mean maybe the cashier was trying to comfort us in some strange way. I don’t know.

I know it’s short and I haven’t written anything  yet, but I’m going to eat dinner soon. Thanks guys! (the image is Leafpool.)


Destiny isn’t a path any cat follows blindly. It’s always a matter of choice, and sometimes the heart speaks loudest.”

Leafpool, Sign Of The Moon, pg. 108


Let’s Talk

Welcome back to Let’s Talk!

*applause and cheering*


Today’s Let’s Talk topic is…


I know I know, it’s a sad topic. But it’s getting real you guys. Did you know that just today a jewish 27-year old was murdered at her work in Israel? Just because she was jewish!

She was 27 and had a husband and a one and half year old baby boy! Let’s give her family and friends the love and empathy they need. But she was murdered just because of her religion. And she was 27. Not even in the middle of her life. This world is getting scarier and scarier. Women look under they’re cars at night because they’re afraid. African Americans when they get pulled over immediately think they’re going to be sent to jail. Our world is going down into a world I don’t want to live in. And then people wonder why other humans Commit Suicide! They’re probably scared. Around a month or two ago a college student was murdered when she decided to go on a run in her hometown, IN DAYLIGHT! Imagine if this was your family. Imagine the grief and the fear that you may be next.

That’s scary. It makes me want to curl in a ball and scream at the same time. Why is Earth going into a world of hate and death and fear? Is that our goal now? And here I am, in my room writing this feeling like I’m going to cry and hate everyone. Just like racism, this is only going to stop if we fight against it. My mother and Step-father told me the only way to fight it without more people getting hurt is fighting it is by being a light in the dark. How do you get rid of a fear of the dark? You fight it slowly. You turn on the light until the dark isn’t scary, and rather welcoming.  I don’t want to fight it slowly, by I also don’t want people to die for a fighting to stop people from dying by other humans hands.


P.S. Sorry about the depressing quote, I just thought it fitted with this blog. I tried to find depressing turned happy quotes, but I couldn’t. Really sorry!!!!!

Racism is NOT okay!

I have this friend in my school. (For her protection I’m not going to say her name, but we’ll call her Rachel). Rachel is a very proud Mexican American. And she should be! Mexican and other heritages are VERY important. So why do people tease others on it? As I was pondering this, I remembered a conversation I once had with Rachel. She told me she had experienced racism. Sadly, I was not surprised. She is clearly half Mexican, so it was obvious that she had or will experience racism in her lifetime. As sad as it is to think about that, it’s the truth. it’s not like Rachel is mean or anything at all, in fact she’s a wonderful friend and I love seeing her and talking to her. Today I asked her a question about Spanish because she’s fluent in it (I think, I’ve seen her talk in rapid Spanish but I’m not sure.) and she answered patiently. But (back to the topic) now the facts. When did racism first appear? People began seeing it around the Slavery times. Sadly racism fell onto different definitions as of the 2000s. I mean racism is all over the place (sadly) and I’ve seen it put on Rachel. Needless to say I lost my temper. I hate a lot of bad things. But one of the things I hate most is to see someone put down my friends. It makes my blood boil.

A really good quote by Larry Holmes says what I’ve been wondering. He says that “I didn’t fight this fight for the blacks, the whites, or the Spanish. I fought the fight for the people. We’re all G-d’s children. I don’t see color…” (that’s not all of the quote. I’m sorry if anything in this blog accidentally offends anyone.) My question is why can we see other human being as a species, not a color, religion, and so much more.

I’m sick of seeing hate. I’m sick of seeing fear. And I’m sick of seeing RACISM! The only way we’re going to stamp this out is if we work together. So the people that are racist, get your brains off the ground and turn your heart back from stone and help us!

Leave a like or comment explaining your feeling on something like this!


You deserve Love and You’ll get it.

By Amy Poehler

Robot v.s. Human?

As you may know the world is becoming more paranoid and creating tests to see if we’re robots. But why? I mean, we don’t even have flying cars yet! Robots are a new thing. Correction, the first robot was in 1954 ( for industrial work),  In 1961 it went online in a General Motors automobile factory in New Jersey.

But still, why all the paranoia? The tests are starting to get really annoying. I wanted to recover my password to Steam so I could play games, but I had to prove I wasn’t a robot. It showed capitals on the letter test, so I put in capitals. It said I was wrong. WHY????????

These tests are starting to take over the internet. I’m pretty sure that when we invented robots and the internet, we didn’t want it to go to this. so why is it coming to this?

If you have any annoying stories about these tests, please share them in them comments. (I mean if the tests annoyed you, not if your annoying.)



There are so many haters in the world. Haters against muslims, jews, LGBT, immigrants, African Americans, and so many more. How did this happen? Why did this happen? Why are so many people filled with hate for others that aren’t like them? Is this what our world has come to? Hating people instead of accepting?

I’m shocked when I hear that children are being ripped from their families arms, that people are shooting others for no other reason than hate. Why? Why are people doing that. In the end we’re ALL HUMAN BEINGS! Are we incapable of not hating? Why are we doing this? Is the world so messed up that we can’t think about hate? This just makes me so sad that this is what we’ve come to. I’m saying “we” because I want to make us come together not separate. I know I’m not the only one thinking about this. The only time in a room where people aren’t hating, is when someone dies. Do we all need to die to make the world stop hating? But then some people might blame themselves, and start to hate themselves. So we need to accept this and stop hating, I know that’s going to take a long time, but maybe… just maybe… we’ll be able to do it before it’s too late.

Full of love,